“I’m writing on behalf of a citizen grassroots organization in southeastern Ohio, Meigs Citizens Action Now (Meigs CAN). Our purpose in writing is to petition the U.S. Coast Guard to conduct a thorough investigation pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.) of the expected and potential environmental effects of the proposal from GreenHunter Water, LLC (“GreenHunter”) to formally list produced water and flowback on the Coast Guard register of allowable cargo to be transported by container barges, per 46 C.F.R. § 30-25.1. As you know, GreenHunter has leased land containing an aging 50-year-old Ohio River terminal at New Mata- moras, Ohio, where the firm intends to receive and store, possibly treat, ship millions of gallons of used fluids for disposal in class II injection wells or solidification for landfill disposal. The locations of other Ohio River or tributary terminals from which cargoes might originate have not been disclosed by the industry or regulatory agencies in adjoining states.”
Analysis of GreenHunter Water Fracking Waste Barge Shipment Terminal Project
by FreshWater | Feb 24, 2014 | Letters, News & Blog