Appeal to Ohio Inspector General to Investigate: Need for Better Regulation and Oversight Not Investigated; Public Health and Property Put at Increasing Risk
To Whom It May Concern:
We would like to document a complaint regarding the policies and procedures followed by the ODNR. Because of the increase in permits allowed for high volume slick water horizontal hydraulic fracturing and for Class II injection wells in Ohio, we believe that the agency, by gaining revenue from such permitting without the associated adequate ability to monitor and protect human health and safety as well as the environment, may be overextending future resources to remediate potential damage. We believe there may be a conflict of interest between revenue generation and protecting public health and natural resources.
We are also interested to know if you have jurisdiction in matters regarding the Muskingham Watershed Conservancy District which is a public entity but plans to generate revenue from land leasing and is considering selling water from the District for “fracking.”
We think it would be sound judgment to await further study from the EPA and other agencies involved, especially considering the problems that have been encountered in other states before more permitting is allowed. We also question the fact that produced water, called “brine, from fracking is allowed to be spread on Ohio’s roads without testing for toxic chemicals. Although the ODNR has the regulatory authority to test water that is injected into wells or brine that is spread on roads, we do not believe this has yet been done. Without knowing what chemicals are involved, how can this be allowed, and in the future, how can any contamination be traced if it shows up in groundwater or aquifers?
Also, do you have any interest in tactics used by oil and gas industry associates to threaten and intimidate those who question their agenda?
We have attached letters written to the Attorney General (sent today) and a copy of the questions we sent to the ODNR from the STRONGER report FYI. We are also sending a copy of the letter emailed to the USGS.
Thanks for your consideration of our concerns.
Best regards,
Lea Harper
Southeast Ohio Alliance to Save Our Water
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