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FreshWater Accountability Project
PO Box 473
Grand Rapids, OH 43522

Current News from FWAP:

Drinking Water At Risk

A comprehensive report entitled, Our Drinking Water At Risk: What the EPA and the Oil and Gas Industry Don't Want You to Know written by Lisa Sumi. Lisa Sumi is the Research Director of the Oil and Gas Accountability Project. This report verifies the EPA conducted an...

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List of the Harmed

Currently there are 4,828 listed that have been harmed by fracking operations. The Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air put the list together and strive to raise awareness of the danger of hydraulic fracturing on public health and the environment.

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Documents on Hydraulic Fracturing

James "Chip" Northrup put together several documents related to hydraulic fracturing-- and they're all in one location. They include economic impacts, insurance, fracking waste, and more. It's all available right here.

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Index of Independent Science on Hydrofracking

The Index of Independent Science on Hydrofracking, prepared for Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York in July of 2012. The comprehensive index contains studies that cover health impacts, water contamination, air pollution, climate impacts, and wells/radiation risks. View...

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EPA & Fracking

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has information available on their website about fracking. The EPA has been widely criticized by concerned citizens for collusion with the oil and gas industry and how little involvement the agency has regulating frackng....

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