In order to continue our work, we rely on support from people like you. Your generous contributions help us fight the corruption that puts our water resources at risk.

Mail donations to:
FreshWater Accountability Project
PO Box 473
Grand Rapids, OH 43522

Current News from FWAP:

FWAP Attorney Opposes OEPA’s Plan to Issue General Permits

I offer the following comments on behalf of the FreshWater Accountability Project (FWAP). We comment upon the proposed “general permit” regulations for compressor equipment and facilities related to the natural gas pipeline industry. FWAP asks that you do not finalize these proposed permits, as they will have a tremendously negative effect on public health and the environment. On a micro scale, compressor stations are terrible for communities and cause a plethora of health problems. On a macro scale and in light of the recent Paris Climate Treaty, streamlining these stations will help to further the proliferation of greenhouse gases and add to global warming.

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Fracking and Ohio’s Future Conference

An important one-day conference for legislators, regulators, and the public to learn about environmental and health impacts from unconventional shale drilling and what can be done to protect communities and Ohio’s economic and environmental future.

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Frack Waste Facilities Proliferate in Ohio Despite Lack of Regulations

As the horizontal hydrofracking industry continues to operate without adequate regulation, the waste produced is a big problem for the industry for which Ohio has provided a cheap solution. Ohio not only allows waste from in-state fracking operations to be disposed of without traceability, monitoring and adequate regulation, it also is accepting waste from other states. Recently, plans were approved to allow the barge shipment of frack waste on the Ohio River, meaning frack waste could potentially come to Ohio from Texas and other states who find it easier and cheaper to send it to Ohio than dispose of it themselves.

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Front Line Groups React to Coast Guard Decision to Deregulate Fracking Waste Shipments on Nation’s Waterways

For immediate Release                                                                                                    February 24, 2016 Contact: Teresa Mills, Buckeye Forest Council,, (614) 539-1471 Terry Lodge,

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Ohio EPA Air Permitting Scheme Challenged

(Grand Rapids, OH) The FreshWater Accountability Project (FWAP) and Food & Water Watch have issued notice that the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency should convene hearings and accept citizen comments to gather testimony from communities and individuals...

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