muskingum watershed

2016 Conference A Huge Success

Despite the lack of attendance from Ohio’s legislators and regulators, the conference sponsored by FreshWater Accountability Project brought information and empowerment to those attending. The few elected and public health officials who attended are greatly appreciated and will be remembered. Those who did not attend will be sent the following information so that no one who has a position of public responsibility and accountability will be able to say that he or she did not know about the harms and the future liability that will be imposed upon the taxpayers of Ohio when the extent of the environmental and economic destruction of fracking becomes fully known:

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Conservancy District Warned of Watershed Impacts

(Grand Rapids, OH) On June 4, 2016, the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) held its annual Conservancy Court hearings in New Philadelphia, Ohio with Judge O’Farrell presiding. As has been done for previous hearings, the FreshWater Accountability Project (FWAP) gave the court testimony regarding the negative impacts to the region’s water due to the MWCD’s engagement in and support of horizontal hydrofracking (fracking) in the region. This industry, also called “unconventional shale drilling” is not at all like the conventional methods used to extract oil and gas in the past. Due to the depth of the drilling and the massive amount of water that is needed to “frack” a well, the industry has created environmental problems in the region, including the massive amount of toxic, radioactive waste that is created, spills and deliberate dumping of this waste, earthquakes due to the disposal of the waste in injection wells, a dangerous increase in heavy truck traffic, and the loss of millions of gallons of freshwater to the region due to the one- time consumptive use by fracking. Science has now concluded that thee air and water contamination from the industry has caused human health effects as a result of the hazardous and radioactive pollutants released by the industry.

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Fracking Conference at Statehouse Highlights Lack of Public Protections in Ohio

As the unconventional shale gas drilling (fracking) industry continues to expand in Ohio with what critics call inadequate regulation, directly impacted communities are seeking answers and assistance from legislators and regulators to protect their communities. To further those efforts, the FreshWater Accountability Project (FWAP) sponsored a conference on Tuesday, May 17, at the Ohio Statehouse Atrium to urge Ohio legislators and regulators to learn the from several expert presenters the environmental and public health impacts of its rapid deployment, infrastructure buildout and waste stream disposal

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muskingum watershed

Better Vision

A Better Vision for the Valley was an inspirational conference organized by FreshWater Accountability Project and attended by many residents from the Ohio Valley, as well as representatives from numerous environmental groups.

Fracking Violates Human Rights

FWAP provides testimony to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, a respected international human-rights court, the Rome-based Tribunal, began a week-long hearing on the impacts of fracking and climate change on human and Earth rights.

Letter to Gov. DeWine

Click here to view the letter we sent to Governor DeWine to cease permitting until regulatory deficiencies are reviewed. You may use our letter as reference when writing to your elected officials to express your concerns. 

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We’re so glad that you are here. These are trying times for our environment, but we believe if we work together we can make a big difference for our community, and our world! For years we have challenged industry intent on polluting our freshwater resources and raised awareness around the many threats to our environment, especially our freshwater resources.