muskingum watershed

Follow Up Meeting with Rep Hill’s Aide

On April 2 we met with Representative Brian Hill's aide, Brandon Ogden. Now we're following up regarding the discussion we had about Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. You may find the links useful at the end of this message Dear Brandon: Please share this with...

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Follow Up Meeting with Seantor Balderson

On April 2, 2014, as part of Legislator Accountability Day, we met with Sen. Balderson. This was our follow up letter and information we provided him. At the bottom you will find some helpful resources. Dear Senator Balderson: Thank you for meeting with us briefly...

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The Last Budget Bill

The Governor's Budget Bill magically converted radioactive waste from regulated to unregulated to make it cheap and easy to dispose in Ohio. We risk being poisoned by water soluble radium 226 and 228 that can be dumped, spilled or migrate into our drinking water...

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muskingum watershed

Better Vision

A Better Vision for the Valley was an inspirational conference organized by FreshWater Accountability Project and attended by many residents from the Ohio Valley, as well as representatives from numerous environmental groups.

Fracking Violates Human Rights

FWAP provides testimony to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, a respected international human-rights court, the Rome-based Tribunal, began a week-long hearing on the impacts of fracking and climate change on human and Earth rights.

Letter to Gov. DeWine

Click here to view the letter we sent to Governor DeWine to cease permitting until regulatory deficiencies are reviewed. You may use our letter as reference when writing to your elected officials to express your concerns. 

Thanks for stopping by.

We’re so glad that you are here. These are trying times for our environment, but we believe if we work together we can make a big difference for our community, and our world! For years we have challenged industry intent on polluting our freshwater resources and raised awareness around the many threats to our environment, especially our freshwater resources.