muskingum watershed

MWCD Accountability Project

The Southeast Ohio Alliance to Save Our Water, in affiliation with the FreshWater Accountability Project ( announced plans today to form a citizens’ group to hold the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) accountable to property owners and...

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Rubin Report: MWCD Take Note

Hydrogeologist, Paul Rubin, warns of toxic water contamination near fracking sites. Rubin’s report focuses on Seneca Lake, Ohio’s second-largest freshwater lake, as an example of a Muskingum reservoir case study. He concludes that leasing for widespread gas and oil...

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MWCD Meeting

The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) held a public meeting to tell local residents about its plans to lease land for horizontal, hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and sell water to service the massive amounts required by the industry. The meeting was held...

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MWCD: What Gives?

The Muskingham Watershed Conservancy District board recently decided to open public lands for horizontal hydraulic fracturing and sell water to support that industry. As public awareness has grown, the Southeast Ohio Alliance to Save Our Water has worked diligently to...

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muskingum watershed

Better Vision

A Better Vision for the Valley was an inspirational conference organized by FreshWater Accountability Project and attended by many residents from the Ohio Valley, as well as representatives from numerous environmental groups.

Fracking Violates Human Rights

FWAP provides testimony to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, a respected international human-rights court, the Rome-based Tribunal, began a week-long hearing on the impacts of fracking and climate change on human and Earth rights.

Letter to Gov. DeWine

Click here to view the letter we sent to Governor DeWine to cease permitting until regulatory deficiencies are reviewed. You may use our letter as reference when writing to your elected officials to express your concerns. 

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We’re so glad that you are here. These are trying times for our environment, but we believe if we work together we can make a big difference for our community, and our world! For years we have challenged industry intent on polluting our freshwater resources and raised awareness around the many threats to our environment, especially our freshwater resources.