In order to continue our work, we rely on support from people like you. Your generous contributions help us fight the corruption that puts our water resources at risk.
Mail donations to:
FreshWater Accountability Project
PO Box 473
Grand Rapids, OH 43522
Current News from FWAP:
Updated Numbers Show Water Destruction From Fracking Increasing
Ted Auch has responded to FWAP's questions regarding more details from his previous study. Added recycled and freshwater trend as well. But you should basically disregard the early 16% recycled water average as it is an average of very few data and really industry is...
Toxic Tours
Here's our videos from the last Toxic Tours!
Follow Up Meeting with Rep Hill’s Aide
On April 2 we met with Representative Brian Hill's aide, Brandon Ogden. Now we're following up regarding the discussion we had about Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. You may find the links useful at the end of this message Dear Brandon: Please share this with...
Follow Up Meeting with Seantor Balderson
On April 2, 2014, as part of Legislator Accountability Day, we met with Sen. Balderson. This was our follow up letter and information we provided him. At the bottom you will find some helpful resources. Dear Senator Balderson: Thank you for meeting with us briefly...
The Last Budget Bill
The Governor's Budget Bill magically converted radioactive waste from regulated to unregulated to make it cheap and easy to dispose in Ohio. We risk being poisoned by water soluble radium 226 and 228 that can be dumped, spilled or migrate into our drinking water...
Why is MWCD Ignoring Science?
Sometimes we find ourselves asking some tough questions: why are the people who are supposed to protect us and our assets ignoring the facts? FWAP commissioned a report from a well-known hydrogeologist from New York. No one in NY would allow fracking of a reservoir,...