In order to continue our work, we rely on support from people like you. Your generous contributions help us fight the corruption that puts our water resources at risk.

Mail donations to:
FreshWater Accountability Project
PO Box 473
Grand Rapids, OH 43522

Current News from FWAP:

MWCD Appeal to General Assembly

We are asking for your attention and involvement in a very serious matter confronting Ohioans at this time. As you may know, the unconventional shale drilling industry has unduly influenced our political processes, democratic values and environmental protections at...

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Injection Wells and Seismic Activity

By now, the majority of Ohioans know that injection wells cause earthquakes, and yet, the ODNR continues to permit new injection wells in known earthquake fault zones without adequate testing for seismic activity. The recent 3.5M earthquake on November 20, epicenter...

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Injection Well Complaint to — USEPA Region 5

We assert that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is not reliable, responsible or accountable to hold primacy over the permitting of injection wells in the state. We have copied below a sample of our correspondence and the misinformation we receive when we...

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Ohio Department of Health Records 2014

Documents received in relation to request made to Ohio Department of Health for "the results of sampling done in the field over the past two years that examined levels of radioactivity in drill muds, cuttings and fluids."   Records request: ODH Record Request...

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