
At the Fresh Water Accountability Project (FWAP), we take interest in issues threatening our freshwater resources. The issues include, but are not limited to, drilling operations, frack waste transportation, oil and gas pipelines, landfills (old, new, and proposed), and more. We cannot drink money. It is critical that we protect our freshwater resources for future generations.

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Injection Wells and Seismic Activity

Injection Wells and Seismic Activity

By now, the majority of Ohioans know that injection wells cause earthquakes, and yet, the ODNR continues to permit new injection wells in known earthquake fault zones without adequate testing for seismic activity. The recent 3.5M earthquake on November 20, epicenter...

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Injection Well Complaint to — USEPA Region 5

We assert that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is not reliable, responsible or accountable to hold primacy over the permitting of injection wells in the state. We have copied below a sample of our correspondence and the misinformation we receive when we...

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Ohio Department of Health Records 2014

Ohio Department of Health Records 2014

Documents received in relation to request made to Ohio Department of Health for "the results of sampling done in the field over the past two years that examined levels of radioactivity in drill muds, cuttings and fluids."   Records request: ODH Record Request...

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Info From The Shale Gas Drilling Conference

Info From The Shale Gas Drilling Conference

On April 5 and 6, 2013 The Wean Foundation held the Information From Unconventional Shale Drilling Conference. Here are the files from the conference. Conference Program: 67481412 Shale Drilling and Wall Street: 67481413 Influencing Legislation and Building Public...

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Ohio Department of Health Records 2013

Ohio Department of Health Records 2013

FreshWater Accountability Project Ohio submitted a records request to Ohio Department of Health in August 2013 for “all reports, email correspondence, notes and records regarding the ODH’s involvement and review of sampling and processes related to the Patriot Treatment plant in Warren, Ohio.”

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Muskingum Lawsuit

Muskingum Lawsuit

Co-founder of the FreshWater Accountability Project, Lea Harper, and her husband, Steven Jansto, are suing the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Antero Resources Appalachian, and Ohio Attorney General Mike...

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Unearthed: The Fracking Facade

Unearthed: The Fracking Facade

"It's time to look behind the glitzy commercials and PR campaigns. The "Fracking Facade" seeks to set the record straight by exposing a flawed claim often abused in the sales pitch for promoting shale gas development across the world: "With a history of 60 years,...

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US Army Corps of Engineers

The FreshWater Accountability Project has requested correspondence and other public records from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Here are our documents associated with these requests.   Cover Letter:  78800562 Mineral Leases at Leesville and Seneca (UNCLASSIFIED)...

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New Rules for Fracking Waste Needed

New Rules for Fracking Waste Needed

This report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) evaluates federal and state laws regarding fracking waste. The alarming findings reveal that there is not the regulatory framework to adequately protect human health and safety. The most significant finding...

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Drinking Water At Risk

Drinking Water At Risk

A comprehensive report entitled, Our Drinking Water At Risk: What the EPA and the Oil and Gas Industry Don't Want You to Know written by Lisa Sumi. Lisa Sumi is the Research Director of the Oil and Gas Accountability Project. This report verifies the EPA conducted an...

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